Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First Appointment with Fertility Specialist.

Okay, my first post was super long and detailed and for some reason I got an error message and lost everything I had typed so I am sorry, but I am not doing it again. That is the main reason I got this Blog page so I would only have to type things once!!! Basically, he says he can get me pregnant and keep me pregnant. Insurance will cover it because he does not consider it infertility, but recurrent pregnancy loss. He feels that I could have PCOS due to 3 red flags: 1. Possible insulin definiciancy 2. Irregular periods 3. Family history of diabetes. He thinks this because he also THINKS that I may have elevated levels of Testosterone which causes you to ovulate late or not at all. If you ovulate late, you will miscarry every time, per Dr. McWilliams. He seems to be extremely optomistic. I had blood work done yesterday to test Progesterone/Testosterone (CD 22) and then on CD 3, 4 or 5 I will get an Endocrine Profile done and Insulin check. That's all you get. I am tired of typing!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Your comments are working now... yeah..