Well, I will make an extremely long and emotional story very short. Joe and I woke up at 4am and headed to the ranch in Victoria; we got there around 10:30am and we were having a care free weekend. We had spent the day hanging out, riding 4 wheelers and we were up at the pool swimming and Joe got the call. He yelled at me that Colton had jumped in the lake while at his family reunion at Lake Tejas and was not responding and being life flighted to Memorial Hermann Childrens. We got from Victoria to Houston in 1.5 hours. When we got there, he was moaning and we knew he would make it, but we weren't sure if there were going to be any other complications mentally. Stephanie, Joe and myself stayed there all night except for when Joe and I went to WalMart to get him a blanket, superman PJ's and some other goodies and he slept the whole night; we didn't ofcourse. At 4am he woke up and was very testy but he was talking and he looked better. He was very alert for 30 minutes and then fell back to sleep. That is when Stephanie and I finally went to sleep for about 2 hours and then the miracle. Colton woke up about 7 or so and it was like nothing AT ALL had ever happened. He was running around, going to the potty, playing, watching DVD's, walked to the playroom, went upstairs to see the helicopter that he was life flighted in. It was a truly amazing sight. I laughed when the doctor came in because she said, "okay, he can go home. Regular diet, regular activity, there are no restrictions." I thought, yesterday he almost was taken from us and today it is like it never happened. God is so good!!!!! If you were praying for him, thank you so much.
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