Friday, May 28, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Crazy moms on the kids water slide!
Well, we had a really great weekend. I picked up Colton on Friday from his last day of school at First Baptist Christian and then went and picked up baby Cash. By the time we got home, Paw had the water slide blown up and Colton was OFF!!! He played in the wate slide until about 5:30pm and then he went to help Daddy and Paw mow Aunt Pat's yard and Cash and I laid on the couch and watched a movie. Saturday, as soon as he woke up, he was off again. Jen, Bo, Jason (their 5 year old) and Colton (their 15 month old) came over and the kids had a total blast. Jason and Colton played so well together, ALL DAY LONG and not one argument. We had hot dogs and steak for dinner, mom picked up Cash and then Jen and I went to the liquor store. I guess we thought we were going to have a big bash, but I guess we forgot that we are now light weight moms. We bought all kids of stuff. We only had like 3 or 4 drinks, but that didn't stop us from stealing the kids water slide. I would post the video, but I will spare you the beached whales playing...LOL It was totally hilarious though and I laughed until I couldn't breathe....several times! The little Colton fell asleep in Cash's room and Jason and my Colton fell asleep watching Scooby Doo in Colton's room. I think they left around 10pm, but it felt more like 2am. I was SO happy to see baby Cash Sunday morning and drink coffee with Pappy. All in all, it was a really great weekend. It was nice to have a little grown up time. Well, off to work this morning again.....
Friday, May 21, 2010
May 21st---10 weeks!!!
So, I know I am not doing good at updating this blog, but that is because I am back to work full-time and my little one is up ALL day. He is now eating 4 oz. every 3 1/2 hours. Every other night he seems to go to sleep around 9:30pm and he won't wake up at all until 4:30am. That is our time; I wake him and feed him and then I put him in bed with me and cuddle up to him. He sleeps in his big boy bed every night though and I am so happy that I started that a couple weeks ago because to be totally honest with you, he sleeps MUCH better in there than with us or in his bassinet. Yes, I had to have this expensive bassinet and he only slept in it for about 6 weeks because he is a mover and I woke up one night and he was at the foot of the bassinet turned sideways. Cash is such a big boy already. He has been holding his head up since week 1, seriously, and now he always has it down all the way. He moves all over his bed at night and loves his musical mobile. He is cooing all the time and I can say SMILLLLE and he smiles, I can say "kick kick kick" and he starts kicking his legs. Yes, I know...I have a genious on my hands, what can I say? He has the most adorable smile that I have ever seen and these eyelashes that go on for days. I am finally starting to get back to my normal self and my blood pressure has been great so my doctor is taking me off of the blood pressure medicine gradually. I should be completely off in a few weeks! Anyways, that's about all that's new in our life right now. Good night all!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
8 Weeks!!!
Well, I know it has been a while since I have posted, but guess what? I have been busy! LOL My little boy is so handsome and he is growing up so fast. Today we went to see the AMAZING Pediatrician, Dr. Goldberg who we have already grown to love and he said we are little, but growing big! Cash is now 9 lbs. 13 oz., he is 22 1/2 inches long. He is such a happy baby and smiles and coo's all the time.
I know that now that I have Cash, I am no longer top priority, but for those of you who know how much I have NOT ENJOYED the twitching of my eye.....
I am finally going to get treatment. We are waiting for UHC to approve the meds and then I will start treatment maybe as early as next week. I can not wait to be able to hold a conversation without people staring at my eye.
Well, looks like things are beginning to resemble some sort of normalcy and I am so happy. This disorganization is driving me NUTS and getting back to work is just one step in the right direction.
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