Sunday, March 28, 2010
My Angel...
I am sitting here at 2am watching Law Abiding Citizen. I want to go to sleep so badly, but I took a nap today from around 5pm to 8pm and my amazing husband took care of Cash for me....the problem with that is, even in my sleep, I missed him and ever since I woke up I can't take my eyes off him. He ate at around 8:30pm and then I fed him around 1:30am when he started stirring. I am sitting here on the couch looking at him thinking about what kind of boy, what kind of man he will be. I can just see my life...I am standing at the sink asking for a kiss bye and he is running out the door with an athletic bag and a fist full of snacks saying "Bye mom, gotta go." Gosh, just thinking about him growing up breaks my heart in two. I don't want to go to sleep because I want to sit here and stare at his gorgeous little face, little button nose, perfect little ears, long fingers reaching out to grasps everything...
God is so good. Thank you Lord, the wait was worth it. There is no better gift on Earth....well, other than another one! :) I am going to just enjoy this one for now though! hehe
Monday, March 22, 2010
What happened, again....
Well, after my previous post on Thursday I got some rest and then basically laid around all day on Friday with my mom over here helping me. That night I got so sick. I was throwing up, had a headache, still couldn't breathe and just had a horrible night all together. I called the doc at 4am and then she called back to check on me at 8am and I almost forgot to tell her that I had a constant headache and before we hung up the phone, I did. She asked me to take my blood pressure and so after checking it, it was 174/104 which obviously that was NOT good. Joe took me BACK to the ER and I was admitted AGAIN!!! I was sent to ICU because they had to give me Magnesium to prevent seizures and then monitor my oxygen level. They will not let someone whose oxygen level is not stabalized be on the main floor, plus they can not administer Magnesium on the floor. Anyways, as crazy and horrible as it was to be away from Cash, Texas Womens Hospital is TOP NOTCH!!! Every single person I came in contact with was not only helpful, but over the top supportive and there to make every minute of my stay as comfortable as possible. They let my husband Joe stay with me the entire time, even overnight, and then they let my parents bring Cash to see me on Sunday. I am so thankful to them. So, after administering Lasix, my body flushed out all the fluids, which was the result of the Pulmonary Edema that was diagnosed. I also had Preeclampsia, which usually happens before labor, but in rare cases it can happen afterwards. The labor and delivery was so easy and amazing, but unfortunately my body was not getting rid of all the fluid so it backed up in my lungs. This was the most scared I have ever been in my entire life. I just wanted to be at home with my husband and my boys. I am still a little paranoid at every little odd feeling, but I am trying to just relax and spend time with my special little man, Cash. Thank you all for your prayers and your amazing support during this difficult time. I will post pictures when I feel more up to it!
Friday, March 19, 2010
What happened???
Well, I had Cash on the 12th and it was the easiest surgery and recovery I have ever had; ofcourse, I was sore, but much better that I expected. I actually got to go home in 48 hours, that is how great I was doing. On the 16th, I started having some breathing difficulties, but I just chalked it up to the fact that I may have been doing too much. Well, come Wednesday night on the 17th, I couldn't take it anymore. Joe took me to the ER and they did blood work, EKG, Ultrasound of the kidneys and a XRay of the chest and in the Ultrasound they noticed Gallstones. Sooo, I went home with pain meds and was referred to a Surgeon, Dr. Quast. The next morning I woke up and I was wheezing. I called my OB and told her that I may very well have Gallstones, there is something going on respiratory whise because I can hear wheezing. I went in to see her yesterday morning and sure enough, I have Bronchitis. She gave me an inhaler to start, but that wasn't really doing much so now I am on antibiotics and steroids which I am praying will give me some relief so I can sleep or at least get up out of bed before loosing my breath. After that I went to see Dr. Quast and after the respiratory infection clears up, he is going to do the laparoscopy surgery to remove the Gallstones, suppose to be a day surgery. Thank goodness my little boy is so perfect because I am simply exhausted. He wakes up every 4 hours to eat. Also, I have already quit breastfeeding and pumping. I know, I know, but it was just too much for me with being sick and all. I did it for a week so I guess something is better than nothing; he wasn't latching on anyways so I had to feed and then was just too much. Anyways, please keep me in your prayers. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Well, I am going to get off so I can catch up with Cash on my sleep...he fell asleep about 15 minutes ago so I am already down to 3 hours and 45 minutes rest.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Cash's 1st Bath
Tuesday, March 16th Cash had to get his first bath because he was having a very special visitor coming for dinner.....his big brother, Colton. He wasn't too excited about the bath at first but then we warmed it up a little and he was okay. Colton was so excited to see Cash, he kept saying "Awe, he's so cute" and "I can hold baby Cash because I am his big brother", it was really funny. He was on cloud nine and it was so nice to see him and Cash together. He is going to be the best big brother in the world!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Baby Cash has arrived!
Well, as you may all know, little baby Cash arrived. Friday, March 12th, 2010 around 7am my water broke. I got to the hospital at around 8:30am and Cash was born at 9:29am. He weighed 7lbs 2 oz and was 19 1/2 in long. He is perfect in every way and I just love him so much. We have spent every moment together since I looked at his face, until last night at 1am when they finally made me give him up and get some sleep. It is 6:46am on Sunday right now and he was circumsized at around 6:15am so I am just waiting for them to bring him back; I can see 6 hours is WAY too long for me to be away from him.
For all of you who said "girl, if he is like you when you were a baby, get ready!" HAHAHA He is perfect. He never cries. He didn't even crying any of the times they gave shots or took blood. He fusses a little when I try to breastfeed, but I think that is mainly out of frustration, but he is doing a little better each feeding. He is eating so well though, I pump while supplementing so hopefully when my milk comes in we will be ready to rock and roll!!!
Well, gotta go pump! Adios!
Monday, March 8, 2010
38 Weeks...
Well, no surprise, I had high blood pressure and there has been no progress whatsoever. Thank goodness we went ahead and scheduled the C-section.
I go Tuesday for Pre-op and then Wednesday for the delivery! Only a little over a week left. I am ready.
Monday, March 1, 2010
37 Weeks on Wednesday...
Well, I was hoping and still am hoping that I do start to dilate so I can have a Normal Delivery, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. 37 weeks and no dilation and my cervix is high and hard as a rock, nothing at all! I won't have to wait too much longer because the deadline is March 17th. I am suppose to take it easy and stay off my feet or else I have been threatened with Bed Rest...I do not want that at all. Today was a long and busy day at work, but hopefully I can take it a little easier the rest of the week.
My awesome friends/co-workers are throwing me a baby shower at work on Wednesday so I have something to look forwared to and I also bought tickets for me, Joe and Colton to go see Tim Burton's Alice and Wonderland this weekend so this week is going to fly by.
38 week appointment is next Monday @ 9:45am. God Bless You All!!!!!
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