Here is Colton and his puppy that he is taking to his Mommy's house. She is so cute. She is short haired and has blue eyes and I am thinking that she will keep the blue eyes because all the other puppies have brown eyes already.
Well, Monday was another eventful day in the hospital. Joe and I had to be there at 5am to prepare for my 7am Gallbladder removal surgery. The surgery went great and we were out of there around 1pm and on our way home. Mom kept Cash again Monday and Tuesday night while I recovered and she brought him back over today to stay for good! I have no idea what I would have done without my mom. Cash is getting so big and I hope that I don't have to miss another day for a very long time! I uploaded a video and have been posting videos on my Facebook page, but everyone kept saying he was always sleeping so I am posting a video of him awake. This Friday he will be 5 weeks old. He is eating 3-4 oz and sleeping 4 or so hours still; however, he is staying awake alot longer during the day and we are really happy about that because we can play with him. He is holding his head up which is nothing new, he has been doing that since he was a week old (I promise). He is so strong. He is also smiling now. He is so smart.
Today Cash is 4 weeks old and how time flies. He is such an angel with the most precious little face. Mom has offered to babysit and keep him overnight many times and I say "yes" and then after about an hour or so I call her and say "okay, I am coming to get him." Sunday will be the first time that I have voluntarily let him spend the night (I had no choice while I was in ICU and was very grateful) because I have to be at the hospital at 5am for the Gallbladder surgery.
He is such a strong little boy and loves to try and lift his head up on his own. He is still taking 3 oz and sleeping for about 4 hrs, every now and then he is wanted an extra ounce. He likes to lay on his bobby pillow on the couch and watch TV and he is finally getting used to his carseat because mommy drags him EVERYWHERE!!! He likes to play the "tongue" game. I stick my tongue out at him and then he sticks his back and I clap. :) So easily entertained these days. He is definitely starting to get bigger because his newborn onesies are actually a little tight over his diaper, but the newborn outfits are fitting perfect now; he is still very little. He LOVES his Jacuzzi Bath...he actually just closes his eyes and relaxes as I spray him with the little shower and warm water...I think he is spoiled! Cash's big brother Colton is going to be playing Fall Ball so we are looking forward to being Bleacher Bums!!!
Well, I have to go to bed because he will be up soon and I will wish I had already been asleep by now.
Good night everyone,
Love the proudest mommy in the whole world! I love my baby Cash and my big boy Colton.